A real yoga treatment with 8 limbs

There is more to yoga and Ayurveda in Europa than simply asanas and medicinal plants! Both of them contain all of human life and the whole universe. They have spread out in modern times, over the last hundred and fifty years, especially outside of India, in which Yoga without Ayurveda was for a long time the norm.

However, Yoga and Ayurveda are coming to be reconnected again, not just in India but across the globe. Therefore, it would not be unfair to say that their reintegration is the reintegration of the loop of consciousness, life, healing and transformation! Therefore, it is significant to understand the separate roles of Ayurveda and Yoga in the Vedic system.

The term Yoga itself means to bind, combine, balance, or integrate. A genuine yogic strategy followed at Plan Reisen is characteristically an integrative approach, orchestrating body, prana, senses, mind, and consciousness. It can't be underrated by the body alone. A yogic way to recovery isn't a specialization or a side-line procedure but pertains to a combination of all levels and characteristics of healing. Classical Yoga has an eightfold technique -asana, pranayama, and samadhi. If we lessen Yoga to asana, we are not rehearsing Yoga or an integrative approach but rather falling into an identical trap of primarily concentrating on the external material reality and forgetting about the internal facts of prana, mind, and consciousness.

A real Yoga treatment must deem all eight limbs of Yoga. It can't just seclude the physical aspects of Yoga like asana. The initial two of the eight limbs of Yoga, the yamas and niyamas, the yogic norms and practices of right living, deliver the foundation important to support any spiritual or healing practice. They likewise give an excellent implicit rule for doctors, therapists, and Ayurveda in Europa and Yoga educators.


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